How To Buy Top Quality Socks

October 30, 2017

How To Buy Top Quality Socks

Socks (or, as some of the fancier brands still call them, “hose”)evolved from a practical need.

Human feet sweat heavily, and a covering of cloth, hair, or hide helps absorb that sweat and draw it out toward the air, where it can evaporate.

This sweating can also damage the more expensive outer footwear, thus socks serve the purpose of extending the life of our shoes.

That was the goal back when humans first started tying animal skins around their feet in bundles, and it’s still a practical consideration today.

A good sock should not just absorb sweat but also allow it to distribute perspiration through the material toward the outer surface (a process called “wicking”).

To fit in with a contemporary, well-dressed look, however, especially at business-appropriate levels of formality, a good sock needs a little more.

The following are not just desirable sock qualities, but essential ones:

Sock Wicking – As described above, socks should “wick” moisture away from the foot, toward the exterior surface of the sock.

Sock Padding – The sock should cushion the foot from impact with the ground, and prevent the skin from rubbing against the inside of shoes.

Snug Sock Fit – A loose sock bunches, which is unsightly, and rubs, which can cause a blister. A good sock should pull snug against the skin from top to toe.

Slim Sock Fit – Dress shoes also tend to be fitted snugly, meaning you can’t cram a big, bulky sock into one. Dress socks should be as thin as comfort permits, both to fit in shoes and to avoid looking bulky around the ankle or distorting the trouser cuff.

Appropriate Sock Color  For a while now the default dress sock has been black, but there are several options for the sharp dresser. A good sock should fit neatly and unobtrusively into its outfit in most cases — and stand out boldly and proudly in the less-frequent cases where that’s the goal.